Well the big day has almost arrived. You have been looking forward to this
corporate day for a long time but as the time approaches you are getting nervous
about how you are going to play. If this is the case then hopefully the following
tips and stretching exercises will help you prepare for the day.
Of course if you are very comfortable with how you are going to play then you
probably should not be in this area. Why not check out the Course Playing Tips
and get some inside knowledge on how to play the golf course and also to see
what it looks like.
GOLFSelect would like to acknowledge the assistance of The Melbourne Golf Injury
Clinic for their contribution in relation to stretching before you go out to
play. The exercises provided below will help you to perform at your optimal
level on the day.
Common Problems
Most golfers do not only poorly prepare their bodies before playing golf in
fact many golfers are actually limiting good golf performance by poor or useless
warm up techniques prior to hitting off on the first tee.
Having treated and given personal golf fitness assessments to in excess of
three thousand golfers we have produced "twelve self testing golf specific
exercises" to not only prepare your body for four to five hours of golf
but also to check common weaknesses in your golf swing and improve your posture.
Common postural problems identified on the first tee
- Excessively bent over the ball
- Poor posture at impact over the ball
Common ineffective exercises performed by golfers
- Bouncing forward
- Twisting forward with a golf club
- Neck Circling
- Sit ups with legs straight
We have outlined two golf exercises which can be of use to you prior to playing
each game of golf.
First Golf Fitness Test—The Crucifix Position
Using a wall for support, keep the small of your back, shoulder blades and
back of your neck against the wall ensuring your upper neck muscles are relaxed.
Place the back of your palms and arms back against the wall with your tummy
braced and sucked in. Hold for ten to thirty seconds repeating three times.
Benefits to the golfer
- This will get your spine and postural muscles into a good postural position
which will in turn improve your body awareness in the address position when
your over your golf ball
- It will stretch tight muscles at the front of your body caused by fixed
prolonged functional activities prior to arriving at the golf course eg Computer
work, using a mobile phone, gardening or driving
- It will strengthen the postural muscles that are weakened by the above functional
activities and are also necessary for good spinal position throughout the
golf swing
- It will reduce the risk of spinal injuries and back pain as a result of
prolonged bending and twisting in short and long game practice Recommendations:
Prior to carrying out these exercises ensure that you work within a pain free
If you have a serious back, abdominal or hip condition contact your doctor
or physiotherapist before commencing this exercise
Second Golf Fitness Test—Pure Spinal Rotation
- Maintaining the crucifix position take two footsteps forward away from the
wall. Ensure that you retain your spine in the upright position, your shoulder
blades pointing downwards towards your buttocks and your tummy sucked in.
Now turn your body to the right and towards the wall behind you ensuring that
you keep your shoulders level and your hips in front. Hold for ten to fifteen
- Carry out the same exercise for left side repeating both sides three times.
Common Weaknesses in the swing identified with this test
- Hip Sliding with excessive knee bending
- Shoulders Dropping
Benefits to the Golfer
- Helps maintain good lower body position for stability in the swing
- Helps maintain good spine angles on backswing and followthrough
- Helps coordinate the lower body, trunk and upper body which in turn will
improve the golfer's position on impact
Prior to carrying out these exercises ensure that you work within a pain free
If you have a serious back, abdominal or hip condition contact your doctor
or physiotherapist before commencing this exercise.
For personal information on golf specific fitness and postural assessments
contact: The Melbourne Golf Injury Clinic (Tel: 03-9569-9448)